MGMA 2017 Annual Conference

Talksoft receives Category Leader award for Patient Outreach in the 2017 Best in KLAS report

Hamilton, NJ - Feb 6, 2017 -- Talksoft Corporation, a leading patient engagement and messaging company and subsidiary of RevSpring, Inc., is pleased to announce that Talksoft Patient Engagement Messaging Suite has been rated as the 2017 Category Leader for Patient Outreach in the “2017 Best in KLAS: Software & Services” report, published by KLAS, a leading healthcare research organization.

The KLAS Category Leader designation is a prestigious recognition of software and service vendors who make outstanding efforts to help healthcare professionals deliver better patient care. The KLAS report is based on data from 16,000 interviews and covers a variety of healthcare market segments and industry categories. As the 2017 Category Leader, Talksoft achieved the highest score among KLAS-rate Patient outreach solutions.

The KLAS Category Leader designation is a prestigious recognition of software and service vendors who make outstanding efforts to help healthcare professionals deliver better patient care. The KLAS report is based on data from 16,000 interviews and covers a variety of healthcare market segments and industry categories. As the 2017 Category Leader, Talksoft achieved the highest score among KLAS-rate Patient outreach solutions.

“This Category Leader recognition is a direct result of positive commentary and experiences from our valued customers. Talksoft’s Patient Engagement Messaging Suite has once again proven to be the best option for communication with their patients,” says Ken Walsh, President & CEO of Talksoft.

“The Best in KLAS report celebrates and recognizes vendors who have made significant strides to improve healthcare while addressing changes like payment reform and the shift to population health,” said Adam Gale, President of KLAS. “The KLAS team applauds your efforts and acknowledges your commitment to innovation and achievement. As the years go by, we are continually humbled by the number of providers who share their experiences with us; they make all our reports, especially our Best in KLAS report, possible.”

Talksoft was previously recognized as the highest rated solution† by KLAS Research in the May 2016 Performance Report, Patient Outreach 2016: Driving Outcomes - From No Shows to Better Health. The report showed Talksoft earning the top spot† for the following functionalities and benefits:

  • Highest rating for Overall Performance
  • Highest rating for Driving Tangible Outcomes
  • Highest rating for Guidance for Optimizing Patient Outreach

“The 2017 Best in KLAS report and Category Leader recognition builds on the specific ratings Talksoft received in the previous report, and what we hear from our customers all the time.” says Eric Pearlman, Director of Business Development at Talksoft. “Our ranking as the number one Patient Outreach offering speaks volumes about the customers we serve, the Talksoft solutions we offer, and the entire Talksoft team.”

A copy of the 2017 Best in KLAS: Software and Services including a full list of Best in KLAS winners and Category Leaders is available for download (registration required) at: Best In KLAS

These results come from a sample of mostly ambulatory organizations. Talksoft supports many acute and non-ambulatory facilities whose responses were not fully collected at the time of the publishing of this report.


About Talksoft

Talksoft is a provider of messaging and patient engagement services. Talksoft began with phone appointment reminders in 1997 and has grown with new technology to now offer interactive, multimodal phone, text, email, and mobile app technology and a full suite of patient engagement services. Talksoft is a subsidiary of RevSpring, Inc., a leading healthcare communications, payment, and technology solutions provider. For more information, call 866-966-4700 or visit

About KLAS

KLAS is a research firm on a global mission to improve healthcare delivery by enabling providers to be heard and counted. Working with thousands of healthcare professionals and clinicians, KLAS gathers data on software, services and medical equipment to deliver timely reports, trends and statistical overviews. The research directly represents the provider voice and acts as a catalyst for improving vendor performance. To learn more about KLAS and our reports, visit