Fresh Summit 2017

Cydiance launches real time temperautre and location monitoring device

Chinese tech company Cydiance will soon launch two new lines of real-time data monitoring devices, called the Locra and Pura line, which the company will distribute worldwide. Both lines will be launched at the end of the month.
Locra and Pura
The Locra is a temperature data logger and real-time location tracking device. The device lasts for up to fifteen days. The Lorca Plus is equipped with a larger battery, and lasts for 6 days. The Pura line is equiped with an extra humidy sensor, tracking temperature, location as well as humidity levels.

Complete solutions
“The new devices will be added to our existing product portfolio. We realised that our clients are searching for different, complementary solutions. For example, often one container is equipped with several temperature tracking devices. Not all of these devices would have to be equipped with a location tracking device. Now we offer our clients the possibility to purchase exactly the data monitoring they need. We can equip a container with a complete solution containing for example one real time device, as well as two offline devices. This will save costs for our clients,” according to Tina, one of Cydiance's founders.
The Pura and Locra real time devices are currently being tested in over fifteen countries worldwide before their full commercial release. The countries include Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the USA. For more information about the Lorca, as well as a full list of countries, click here.
The devices will be added to the company’s existing product portfolio of in-transit temperature data logging systems, which the company distributes in the US, Europe and on the upcoming market of Mainland China.

Tina Sun (middle) together with Austin Gu (right) the Managing Director of Cydiance. They were meeting with a client at the Fresh Logistics Asia Exhibition held this June in Shanghai.


Cydiance's C1 single-use USB PDF temperature data loggers

For more information:
Tina Sun
Cydiance Technology
Tel:  +86  21 6034 8000

Author: Anouk Sijmonsma