TSCE 2017

Coggno and Consolidated Digital Publishing Inc. – Bridging the Gap Between the Training Requirements of Companies and that of Training Beneficiaries

Compliance training. Ugh! Why bother, when it’s all probably going to change again in a few years’ time? Why go through another tedious training process when time could have been better spent actually focussing on work? These may very well be the sentiments held by most training end-users, particularly where the term ‘compliance’ gets thrown into the mix. In addition, in a changing world where short bursts of information are about all most people can handle, it has become increasingly difficult for them to focus their attention on the extensive reading material. We live in the age of the catchy social media headline, emojis, hashtags, GIFs, apps and an array of hand-held and wearable devices. Real-time interactions with content, specifically on social media platforms, have transformed the ways in which people communicate and consume information, which is something that printed publications and online platforms that do not stick with the times cannot bring to the #party.

Whether or not it is considered pleasurable, further learning and employee training are important, precisely because of the fast pace at which the world continues to change. Companies need to stay relevant and up to date with changing legislation applicable to businesses, and employees must maintain a relevant skillset and knowledge base to operate in the new world of work. The training end-users spoke, and the online world listened and responded… with incredible new trends geared at making training more palatable, and therefore also more beneficial to the companies who fund the training of their employees. The following list encapsulates some of the most mention-worthy training trends of 2017:

1. A continued focus on mobile learning or mLearning. This is unsurprising when considering the 2013 finding by Google and Ipsos MediaCT that nearly 80% of mobile users won’t leave home without their smart device (a statistic which has remained largely unchanged). This has inspired training providers to incorporate mobile-friendly learning into their service offerings while bearing the need for multi-platform (i.e. mobile phone, tablet, and PC) functionality in mind.According to eLearningIndustry.com, among other sources, microlearning has become increasingly popular, specifically in the US. It incorporates most of what we know about the ways in which the modern person learns – short, focussed learning content that potentially also incorporates gamification elements where the learner is rewarded for their progress.

2. Video content. Video content use and video sharing are both on the rise, and many popular video sharing platforms like Vimeo and YouTube are allowing training providers to easily and innovatively incorporate videos into their modules. This further presents the opportunity to integrate training with social learning (e.g. through sharing on social media, forums, and blogs) and consequently, improve user engagement as well as interaction amongst peers via comments or online discussions.

3. The use of Big Data. The ‘Big Data’ buzzword has been doing the rounds for the last few years and will continue to remain relevant in the foreseeable future. The mass collection of relevant data pertaining to end-users not only allows training developers to structure their modules according to user preferences but also assists companies to gain a better understanding of their employees’ training habits and progress through comprehensive reports and quantifiable data.

The key takeaway from the above is that people do not want to feel bogged down by training content. Keeping training simple, interesting and engaging through employing accessible tools such as mobile devices, user-friendly apps, and varied media may very well lead to tangible changes in trainees’ skill sets and knowledge base, which translates into compliant companies and money well-spent. Coggno is committed to keeping with the times, and the quality of our training content speaks for itself. Click here for further info!