Waterjet abrasive removal

The Barton Abrasive Removal Tool – BART® revolutionized the way operators remove spent garnet from their waterjet equipment. First introduced in 2009, BART is an easy to use and totally portable abrasive removal system. Waterjet operators worldwide use this remarkably convenient, efficient, versatile, cost-effective piece of equipment.


Powered by a common pressure washer, the durable stainless steel BART Wand fits between the waterjet table’s slats and can be operated while the waterjet is running, reducing downtime. The portable system is easy to operate and consistently achieves garnet removal rates greater than 3,000 pounds an hour.


BARTON will present live demonstrations of the BART® abrasive removal system in FABTECH booth



The BART® abrasive removal system is made in the USA and is available exclusively through BARTON International.



