The best finish in the blink of an eye

With the introduction of the RCD Ultra Coarse disc and Alu Grind disc, Cibo, supplier of solution-focussed technical sanding materials, is breathing new life into the market of metal-removing sanding and grinding discs. These discs significantly reduce the number of steps required to achieve a fantastic finish.

Cibo has been experimenting for ten years with a combination of compressible and classic sanding materials on a supple holder, explains CEO Dominique Gilles. "The combination of these materials offers huge advantages for the machining industry. The compressible sanding materials ensure soft contact, reduce scratch depth, absorb shocks and are quite forgiving. Whereas the classic sanding materials offer machining, sanding capabilities and can remove materials. The combination of both materials allows you to create an application that removes limited material and simultaneously provides a beautiful finish. For example, when grinding off TIG welding seams on stainless steel.

Shock absorbing

Following on from the so-called RCD discs, Cibo responded to market demand last summer with two further disc developments: a ceramic variant RCD Ultra Coarse disc and the Alu Grind disc, specifically for machining aluminium. "Over the past few years, the need for heavy-duty machining in the metal-working sector has rapidly diminished partly due to the fact that welding processes have improved. And also because laser cutting has significantly improved in terms of quality", explains Gilles. "As a result, less finishing is required. Until now, however, there has not been a good grinding solution for semi-heavy machining. For this market, we have therefore developed the RCD Ultra Coarse that is able to remove welding seams and simultaneously produce a great finish. The shock-absorbing properties of this disc also mean the scratch-depth from coarser sanding materials is much less significant. This results in a homogeneous finish. Further finishing is not, or very rarely, necessary."


Alongside the above properties, the RCD Ultra Coarse disc also capitalises on the fact that market operators tend to have less grinding experience nowadays, add Gilles. "We have built a number of forgiving characteristics into the RCD Ultra Coarse disc especially for the operators with less grinding experience. As a result, there are fewer discards or rejects in terms of end-products." The RCD Ultra Coarse disc has been developed for use on an angle grinder. Cibo, however, has also developed ceramic combi sanding discs with the same properties for brushing machines, regular straight grinders and drills. "Thanks to these sanding discs, processors are able to machine three times quicker while achieving a very similar finish."

Unique position

As well as stainless steel, the RCD Ultra Coarse disc can also be used to eliminate welding seams on aluminium, without clogging up with the sanding material. "The RCD Ultra Coarse disc has taken up a unique position in terms of processing soft alloys and alloys that are difficult to machine." In cases where an exceptionally smooth and even finish is required on aluminium, Cibo has also developed the Alu Ultra Grind disc; a semi-compressible de-burring disc with a little flexibility, which provides a smooth, clean finish without becoming clogged up with sanding material.