Asian Attractions Expo 2016

Gateway Ticketing Systems’ Galaxy Connect™ Integrates with Three Chinese Distributors to Sell Live Tickets Online

Galaxy Connect™, a cloud-based platform that connects attraction suppliers with third-party distributors to enable selling of live tickets to attractions anywhere in the world, enabled its first integrations recently with LvMama 驴妈妈旅游网, TongCheng 同程国际旅行社and CTrip 携程旅行网, three of the leading travel service providers in China.

“We’re enabling any attraction to connect with any number of online travel agents with one integration to sell live tickets to consumers around the world – and truly delivering on the promise of a better guest experience,” says Michael Andre, Gateway’s President and Chief Executive Officer. “For the first time, online travel agents and other distributors have the ability to offer direct-to-gate tickets to their customers and eliminate the cumbersome processing of vouchers.”

The Galaxy Connect™ platform provides numerous benefits to all involved: suppliers, distributors and guests including:

  • Eliminating and/or mitigating the manual and time-intensive processes that are inherent of paper voucher handling including exchange, reconciliation and fraud
  • Allowing guests, with live tickets in hand or on their mobile device, to proceed directly to the gate at the attraction and ensuring their admittance to capacity-managed events, a previously challenging facet of the guest experience where if certain timed tickets were sold-out the guest’s expectations were not met
  • Streamlining implementation for attractions and their distributors with a rapid onboarding process that alleviates the technical burden on attractions IT teams of having to develop and maintain multiple interfaces


Galaxy Connect™ Product Manager, David Painter, adds: “We developed a way to quickly and efficiently bridge the gap between the attractions IT teams and the distributor application development teams, enabling these partners to integrate in a matter of weeks through the Galaxy Connect™ platform.”

To view fun videos showing the benefits of Galaxy Connect™ for suppliers, distributors and guests, see Gateway’s YouTube channel at Or visit the website: to receive periodic updates on Galaxy Connect™.

For more information about Gateway Ticketing Systems, Inc., email us at or view our website at


About Gateway Ticketing Systems, Inc.
Gateway Ticketing Systems, Inc. is the world leader in ticketing software, access control and revenue generation for industries including attractions, theme parks, waterparks, tours, zoos, aquariums, museums and historic sites. Located in Gilbertsville, Pennsylvania, Gateway Ticketing Systems provides strategic consultation, sales, service and support for point-of-sale and ticketing systems throughout North America and worldwide. Gateway’s robust Galaxy® Product Suite integrates ticketing, access control, resource management, group sales, online ticketing sales, retail, food and beverage, and membership management. For more information on Gateway Ticketing Systems, visit or call +1 (610) 987-4000.