Natural Products Expo East 2015

ARREFF Terminals Is a Certified Organic Grain Handler

ARREFF Terminals, Portsmouth, Virginia, has received organic certification from Pennsylvania Certified Organic. Arreff is now a handling operation of organic whole grains, including corn, soy beans and millet.

To be certified organic, a plant must have annual onsite inspections and report any and all chemicals and cleaning solution used and the distance between them and the organic product.  This federal law requires all certified organic facilities to meet the same standards and be certified under the same certification process.

Plant Manager Gloria Lambert states: “We are working with several customers in Romania, Brazil and Uruguay which export organic agricultural commodities to America. Arreff receives these containers and unloads them into either hopper trucks or railcars for further delivery.  Our customer then converts the organic ingredient into product. These products are then sold by well known stores across America." 

For further information, call Gloria Lambert at (757) 393-6534.

Press Contact: Susan R Jay (201) 664 4000