Nightclub & Bar 2016


SAN FRANCISCO, CA, MARCH 8, 2016 - No celebration is truly achieved without that obligatory round of shots. New job, promotion, the big 30, they all incur that age old cry: “Time for shots!” Yet when at least half your friends mumble their excuses or ‘conveniently’ sneak away, you realize that, truth be told, what used to seem like a good idea isn’t really quite so much fun anymore.


You know what we’re talking about. It’s the wince, the twisted face, that sideways turn to your buddy in panic, hand clasped to mouth as you wonder if you’re about to vomit from the rancid, mouth-watering burn propelling its way towards your stomach.

Why then, when shots are such a big part of life’s milestones, has no-one ever bothered to create the perfect one?

That’s where LIONIZE comes in. We selflessly put ourselves through the shot ringer so you don’t have to, crafting a shot that doesn’t make you look like you’re having a mild stroke. Or as we like to call it “shitty shot face”.

How is LIONIZE different?

Not to brag or anything, but we’ve taken shots to a new level of maturity. We maintain the exhilaration with 80 proof vodka, but flavored with salt and lime, a LIONIZE shot is a different taste experience, one that even the most nervous of your shot-taking friends can take in stride.

Don’t get us wrong. When we say ‘flavored’ we’re not talking sickly-sweet kiddie flavors favored by 21-year-olds. Everyone’s first reaction is to add sugar or lower the alcohol content. We decided the experience needed a redesign. So we stuck with good ol’ Mother Nature, using natural lime and salt, a winning combination that only enhances the smoothness of LIONIZE.

Filtered and distilled more times than we care to remember but enough times to make it just right, LIONIZE is the shot you can take without any fear of shitty shot face. Our hard work was validated at the 2015 Craft Spirits Festival in San Francisco. Sure, people were nervous at first – yet one by one, their reaction was always the same.  A surprised look followed by “woah that’s limey!” followed by “try this!” to their nearest and dearest. There were a few who didn’t like it, but then they probably like that jager stuff.

So the next time the occasion arises and one of your circle cries out “Shots!”, don’t stress or try to escape. Ask your friends to request a LIONIZE shot from your friendly bartender and keep everyone in tow.   


About The Shot Company

The Shot Company is a producer of premium spirits designed exclusively for shots, with headquarters in the San Francisco Bay Area. Or to be more specific, we’re a husband and wife team with a penchant for shots and a passion for quality spirits. For more information about LIONIZE, please visit us at, and like us on Facebook at

LIONIZE will be formally launched at the famous Nightclub and Bar Show in Las Vegas on March 8th 2016. If you’re there, come down and take a celebratory shot with us, otherwise expect a tweet or two!

LIONIZE is available for purchase online at