2017 INSS: Intelligence & National Security Summit

Choose from 3 Sessions starting at 12:45!

Cyber Readiness: Protecting .gov, .mil and .com, in the Engagement Theater (Ballroom B/C). This session brings together leaders from government and industry who have a hands-on role in developing policy and maintaining cybersecurity. The panel will focus on the state of readiness by public and private sector partners in providing cybersecurity and resiliency to the .Gov, .Mil, and .Com domains. Promoting Effective Domestic Security, in Room 201. This session will discuss homeland‐related priorities, how those priorities translate into key intelligence prerogatives, and ways in which we can further enhance the homeland intelligence enterprise. The Implications of AI and Machine Learning on Intelligencem in Room 202B. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are in the midst of a technology renaissance. Much of this is happening under the “deep learning” banner and being fueled by inexpensive graphics processing unit (GPU) resources. Meanwhile, DOD's Third Offset Strategy is pushing for increased use of autonomy to counter sophisticated threats in real time. This panel will investigate the intersection of new technology and evolving mission requirements and explore opportunities for improving the performance of data acquisition and intelligence production in the big-data era.
From: Event Updates
12:30 PM
06 Sep 2017