IDA World Congress 2015

Panel Discussion - Innovation and Collaboration and How it Works - 4:00 pm - 5:30pm - Room 6B

Industry/university/government collaboration is a powerful tool in helping get the latest technology advancements introduced to the world and into common use. However, many do not understand the mechanics of this process or the possible benefits to the desalination and reuse industry. This panel will discuss the most recent developments as well as several case studies where this collaboration has led to advancements in the reuse and desalination industry. This panel could have two examples presented from the private sector and university side to tell a complete story. The panel could also have several other university professors to explain thoughts they have that need private sector participation. We could also link this panel to a career day at the show where we promote some type of a job-fair in the exhibit hall or something.
From: Congress Updates
03:30 PM
02 Sep 2015